Guest Kween: RONNI SWINTEK “Confessions of a Married Woman.”

Guest Kween: RONNI SWINTEK “Confessions of a Married Woman.”

A younger female friend of mine recently asked my opinion on why I thought she couldn’t find a boyfriend? Why were men not approaching her and asking her on dates?

She said she was feeling unloved, unwanted, uncomfortable about her future, lonely, vulnerable and a few other words that had me looking at her long and hard and feeling sad for her. Not sad because she didn’t have a lover, but that despite her being an amazing individual she felt like this.

We are pushed into stereotypes from a very young age.  Barbie’s got to marry Ken. That’s it.

Every Princess must find a Prince.

Getting married is the best thing that can ever happen to you.

Is it?


With 1 in 2 marriages ending in divorce isn’t it time in the 21st century that we shifted our focus from being happy together and being a happy individual? Should we not seek happiness within before we go and search for a partner?

This beautiful friend of mine is incredibly accomplished in her career and has a life I envy with her world travels, and her constant fun outings with friends, no strings attached. I look upon this with envy as a married woman of 20 years with an 11 year old child.

I’m not saying I’m unhappy but I’m going to say it, even though you are not suppose to say it: marriage is hard.

I always laugh at people who when getting married never focus on the marriage, they focus on the wedding. It’s like if the wedding is perfect then the marriage will be fantastic. I’m calling total bullshit on that.

Weddings, especially lavish, big ones are an extravagance that in this day and age should be relegated to the land of the dinosaurs. Buy a house, donate the money you would have spent on this opulent event to charity. Help yourself. Help other people.

Anyway, I digress. Marriage is like pushing a heavy wheelbarrow, that has no wheels, uphill. Yep, no wheels and it’s really heavy.

Sure, in the beginning it’s all about the limerence. But then this person you love so much starts to get under your skin. His Mother whilst very nice in the beginning is really a control freak who won’t leave your son alone and insists on calling everyday or every other day.

He, your husband you realise does not cut his toe nails with clippers but picks at them and leaves these little toenail surprises all around the house. You scratch your head and wonder why you didn’t notice this before.

Having a husband is like having a flatmate that you liked initially but you cannot escape from. OK, these things sound trivial, but trust me after a few years you want to grab those toenails and drop them in his coffee hoping he might choke.

You want to call his Mum and tell her to get a life and stop calling and asking him what I was making for dinner. Why do you care you old bag?

Imagine how much better Hilary Clinton’s life would have been if she had not married Bill. Crikey, she may have been President of the USA by now.

Girls, if you are not married or in a serious relationship don’t worry, don’t panic.

You are NOT picking up after somebody. You are NOT having to concern yourself with their problems, dealing with his whack job of a family, stroking his ego.

Have a think about that whilst you sip your Pinot Grigio in the comfort of your own apartment, listening to your favourite music and eating what you want .

Ronni Swintek is a Mother, Wife, Woman of the World and Professional Media person.


5 reasons we’re all here for RIVERDALE (and why your inner Kween needs to binge it stat!!)

5 reasons we’re all here for RIVERDALE (and why your inner Kween needs to binge it stat!!)

5. It’s a modern-day Archie comic played out on the small screen and though (like me) it may have taken you till the end of the first episode to figure that out, who doesn’t love a remake-of-sorts? Especially when it looks this damn good.



4. Thanks to the hot AF Veronica played by Camila Mendes, we’re gettin’ those Gossip-Girl-Queen- B vibes all over again.



Though we all know there’s only one Chuck Bass!


3. (Why hello) Ben from Friends! Yep, Ross’s son is all grown up and looking fiiiiiiine.



Let’s just hope Jughead and Betty never go on ‘a break’! #CoupleGoals


2. Luke Perry and Molly Ringwald AKA Dylan McKay and Samantha Baker/Claire Standish/Andie Walsh for those old-school feels.


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Yes, it’s official, Archie has the coolest parents EVER!

1. And speaking of Archie Andrews, can we take a moment to forget that dodgy dye job and focus on that six-pack! Yaaaaaaas Kween!!



Now, who’s ready to #NetflixAndChill

Introducing Carmela Contarino, the #PowerKween behind ‘So The Fairy Tales Lied…’ 👸🏻♥️✨

Carmela is an Aussie in London with wanderlust. A TV/Radio rebel. Fierce feminist. Loud laugh-er. Emotional eat-er. Pop culture cat. Red wine wooer and karaoke kween. She hopes that her experiences are just like yours, funny, warm, loud, raw and that maybe you can figure out this thing called ‘life’ together. #YasssKween 🙌🏼

Guest Kween: ANDIE TICKNER “The Roar Truth!”

Guest Kween: ANDIE TICKNER “The Roar Truth!”


I stayed in a job that killed my soul.
In fact I stayed in many.
This has nothing to do with the jobs.
It has everything to do with my soul.

My calling.
My path, I’m here to walk in life.
The truth is, I waited far too long.
God knows I had the wake up calls.

They started gentle.
But then they got rough.
The universe showing me that there was an alternative.
Time and time again.
But I chose not to listen.

I thought I’d be able to handle it.
Command the energy to walk through those doors every day and bring my best.
Continue to work longer hours and give my all.

To sacrifice myself for a consistent pay cheque.
Sacrifice my happiness rather than face the fear of the unknown.
Sacrifice my health and mental state because I was too scared to leave.
Continue to fool myself that I could make it work.
Because that’s what we do right?

Until I was done.

Until I knew enough was enough.
Crippled with anxiety.
Overcome with confusion.
Looking for another way. Any way.
Going to the darkest of places.
Struggling to sleep.
Running on empty.
Unable to see the possibilities or ways out.
Until I had no choice but to make a choice.
A life worth living or a life of this?

So I chose a life worth living.

I chose to listen to my heart and follow my purpose.
My passion.
To make a choice to show up as me.
To speak my truth.
To live the life I desire.
To back myself and give it a go.
To step into the unknown.
To live without regrets and what if.
To choose myself.

Did it happen overnight?
Hell no.

Do I have it all figured out?

Were there moments of self doubt and fear?
Yes absolutely. I still get them.

Can I always see the road ahead?

Am I happy?

Gone is the stress, anxiety, darkness, unhealthy habits and bad relationships.
In its place is someone who is the happiest, calmest and most alive they’ve ever been.
If you find yourself thinking…. that sounds like me.

I promise you, it is easier than you think to make a change.
And guess what? The people and opportunities that come into your world when you align with who you really are and are ready to stand up and speak your truth… well they are just INCREDIBLE.

Check out Andie Tickner’s one woman empire below.

The Roar Truth
